Why Don't We Make Good Health Choices?

Why Don't We Make Good Health Choices?

Why Don't We Make Good Health Choices?

November 21, 2017

Why do we make health choices against our nest health interest? We know we should do something, but we deliberately don't. We choose immediate gratification, convenience, and experience over what is good for our short and long-term health. Choosing good food over junk, exercising, turning off the computer and social media and going to bed  at night, etc.

One reason is we think that it will be more stressful and a hardship to do it. Another is that we each have different standards and values when it comes to the definition of “health” and “well-being.” Conflicting information on what is good for us is another (and don't get me started on Dr. Google!).

Being healthy can feel good, but it for alot of us a bowl of steamed vegetables seldom rivals the hedonistic experience of a great bowl of ice cream or a pizza. A power walk at the end of the day loses out to sitting back in a comfy lounge chair.  Not to mention the addictive qualities of nicotine, sugar, alcohol, etc.

Sometimes it's economic. Junk food is cheaper to buy. However, the long term costs of inevitable disease from these choices eventually catches with us. We reap what we sow.

Much deeper reasons, if we look at it, include our sense of power to affect our lives positively. Many people feel the're at the mercy of their habits, cravings, and situations with little ability to change. Another is that we don’t trust that making healthier choices will actually lead us to a happier, more satisfying place. 

Making good choices requires several things. You need a good deal of self-esteem -  you have to feel you're worth the effort. You need good information - I can help you with that. You have to take a leap of faith that it will be worth it - 30 years of taking care of thousands of patients have shown me that it is.


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